A DiscipleMaker Church
God’s Call: “For Christ's love compels us…those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them”
Purpose: Share Jesus with the Poor of the world.
Vision: See God work among His people for His glory.
Mission: Train Disciple Makers to love Jesus, love people, make Disciple Makers, and plant churches.
Strategy: Life transformation from Seekers, to Believers, to Disciples, to Disciple Makers.
God’s Call: “For Christ's love compels us…those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them”
Purpose: Share Jesus with the Poor of the world.
Vision: See God work among His people for His glory.
Mission: Train Disciple Makers to love Jesus, love people, make Disciple Makers, and plant churches.
Strategy: Life transformation from Seekers, to Believers, to Disciples, to Disciple Makers.